Cakewalk // Documentation // SONAR // Using ProChannel
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Do one of the following:
Click the Add Module button in the Inspector and choose a module on the pop-up menu.
Figure 413. Click the Add Module button to insert a new module.
Right-click the module header and select Remove Module on the pop-up menu.
Do one of the following:
To specify the default configuration for tracks. Right-click any empty space in a track’s ProChannel and select Set Modules as Default for Tracks on the pop-up menu.
To specify the default configuration for buses. Right-click any empty space in a bus’ ProChannel and select Set Modules as Default for Buses on the pop-up menu.
A. Low band B. Low-Mid band C. Mid-High band D. High band
A. Hold down the CTRL key and left-click in the source EQ plot B. While still holding down the CTRL key and left mouse button, drag the mouse cursor to the target EQ plot and release the mouse button C. The source EQ plot is copied to the target EQ plot
Under Side Chain, click the On/Off toggle.
Do one of the following:
To load an existing preset, click the Load Preset button and navigate to the desired preset file.
To save a new preset or overwrite the current preset, click the Save Preset button , type a name, then click Save.
Note: To see the Load Preset and Save Preset buttons in the Inspector and collapsed Console view strips, hover the mouse over the Preset control.
A. Current preset B. Load Preset C. Save Preset
Click the ProCh button at the top of the Inspector.
Click the Track Name control at the bottom of the Inspector and select Lock the current track or bus from the drop-down menu.
To unlock the track or bus, select Lock the current track or bus from the menu again.
ProChannel is only included with SONAR Platinum and Professional, not with SONAR Artist or SONAR Steam Edition. If a project was created in Platinum or Professional and loaded into SONAR Artist or SONAR Steam Edition, the project might sound different because ProChannel is not available. However, if you resave the project in SONAR Artist or SONAR Steam Edition, all ProChannel settings will be persisted and available if you later load the project into Platinum or Professional again.
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