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MixingEffects chains ► Using assignable controls

Add knob. Add a new assignable knob, up to a total of 6 knobs.
Add button. Add a new assignable button, up to a total of 6 knobs.
Remove control. Remove the assignable control.
Learn knob/button. The FX Chain is put into a learning mode and will 'listen' to controls touched on the plug-ins in the FX Chain. When you select Learn knob/button again, the touched controls are assigned and displayed in the FX Chain property page. Learn mode is automatically ended if the limit of 6 buttons or knobs is reached, or when the limit of 4 parameters for a knob or button is reached.
Right-click a knob or button in the FX Chain property page and choose Edit control on the pop-up menu to open the Control Properties dialog box.
A. Name B. Position C. Destination D. Start value E. End value
The Control Properties dialog box contains the following settings:
Name. The name of the assignable control, shown as the label.
Position. The “slot” position of the control, from left to right.
Destination. Choose up to four automatable plug-in parameters to control with the assignable knob or button.
Start. The start value for the destination parameter, specified as a percentage (0.00% to 100.00%).
End. The end value for the destination parameter, specified as a percentage (0.00% to 100.00%). You can also set Start and End values automatically. For details, see To set parameter value range automatically.
Right-click a knob or button in the FX Chain property page and choose Edit control on the pop-up menu to open the Control Properties dialog box.
Specify the Start and End values.
Right-click a knob or button in the FX Chain property page, point to Ranges on the pop-up menu and choose one of the following commands:
All Parameters- Set Start. Set the Start value of all parameters assigned to the FX Chain knob or button. The values are determined by the current position of each plug-in’s property page settings.
All Parameters- Set End. Set the End value of all parameters assigned to the FX Chain knob or button. The values are determined by the current position of each plug-in’s property page settings.
<Plug-in name - Parameter name>- Set Start. Set the Start value of a specific parameter assigned to the FX Chain knob or button.
<Plug-in name - Parameter name>- Set End. Set the End value of a specific parameter assigned to the FX Chain knob or button.
Right-click the knob or button and choose Set Default Value on the pop-up menu.
Right-click an assignable knob or button in the FX Chain property page and choose Edit control on the pop-up menu to open the Control Properties dialog box.
Specify an automatable plug-in parameter in the Destination list. You can specify up to four parameters for each knob and button.
Note: You can also “learn” plug-in parameters by simply touching controls in plug-in property pages. To do so, right-click in the FX Chain property page and select Learn Knobs or Learn Buttons on the pop-up menu. Touch the plug-in parameters you want to assign, then select Learn Knobs or Learn Buttons again to exit learn mode.
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