Optimizing Audio Performance on mobile devices
Last updated on 10/25/2017Android devices can have a lot of variation depending on the model and manufacturer as well as the version of Android. IOS devices are fairly consistent and you will get stable audio playback on most devices.
For Android, you will see the best performance on devices which are rated as "Professional Audio" devices and which are running Android 7 or higher. Pro audio devices must have latency no higher than 20 milliseconds and some devices like the Pixel advertise down to 10 milliseconds.
Additional information about android latency specifications.
Troubleshooting Latency or audio sync issues
Momentum defaults to the manufacturer default buffer size and sample rate for mobile devices. On some older devices you may notice audio sync problems or glitching. If so try setting the default sample rate to 44.1 KHz in the Momentum audio advanced settings. You may also try changing the default buffer size. You can also try lowering the display frame rate by checking the "Low Framerate" box in preferences.
To get the best sync while recording multiple tracks you should allow Momentum to Measure Latency. This option can be found in Preferences >> Audio. To measure the round trip latency you should run the test in a quiet place, turn up the volume on the speakers and device and ensure that you don't have headphones plugged in. Momentum will send a brief burst of noise to measure the round trip latency. The data will be used to synchronize recorded tracks.