Cakewalk // Documentation // SONAR // Anderton Collection Sizzle Bus FX Chain
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New features ► Anderton Collection Sizzle Bus FX Chain

Figure 61. Sizzle Bus.
HF Cutoff. Sets the high frequency cutoff from about 8.6 kHz to 17 kHz.
Sizzle. Sets the aggressiveness of the distortion.
Delay 0-2 ms. Delays the sizzle signal from 0 to 2 ms. Longer delays can give more depth.
Width. Varies the stereo placement from mono (counter-clockwise) to stereo (clockwise).
Insert a new stereo bus and name it Sizzle. Keep the bus’ Volume control low.
In the Browser, click the PlugIns button to show the Plug-in Browser.
Under Audio FX, expand the FX Chain branch.
Click Anderton Collection > Processors, then drag the Sizzle Bus (Bus FX) preset to the Sizzle bus’ FX Rack.
On any track you want to process with the Sizzle Bus (Bus FX) FX Chain, insert a new Send control and assign it to the Sizzle bus.
Adjust the track’s Send Level control to taste.
Adjust the Sizzle Bus (Bus FX) FX Chain controls to taste. Typical settings are about 1/3 of the way up for the HF Cutoff, Sizzle full up (but you can dial back for more delicate sounds), Delay 0-2 ms set for the best overall effect, and Width adjusted as desired. Typically, you will want stereo with a stereo source, but if you make the imaging more mono, you can usually add a bit more sizzle.
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