Cakewalk // Documentation // SONAR // Resizing modules
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New featuresControl Bar enhancements ► Resizing modules

Auto. The Control Bar automatically shrinks and collapses modules in an attempt to keep all modules visible on-screen at once. It prioritizes modules on the left of the Control Bar, trying to keep them full size, while collapsing and shrinking modules further to the right, as necessary. Auto-sizing occurs whenever the Control Bar is resized. This is the default size setting.
Collapsed. Collapse the module and only show the module name. Point to, or click, the collapsed module to temporarily show a pop-up module (see To temporarily show controls in a collapsed module). The pop-up module is always the full Large size. Use this size if you don’t always need to see the module’s controls, but you still want quick access to the module. Collapsing modules helps to avoid screen clutter, and lets you focus on only the controls that are important for the task you are working on.
Small. Shows the minimum number of controls, or a smaller control layout.
Medium. Shows a subset of all available controls, or a smaller control layout.
Large. This is the largest size, with all available controls visible in full size.
To resize a single module. Right-click the module, point to Resize [module name] Module, then select the desired size.
To resize all modules simultaneously. Right-click the Control Bar, point to Resize All Modules, then select the desired size.
Table 2. Module sizes
A. Collapsed module B. Pop-up module
Note 2: If you do not want pop-up modules to automatically appear when you point to collapsed modules, right-click the Control Bar, point to Options, and clear the Auto Open Collapsed Modules option. When this option is disabled, you must click a collapsed module to open its pop-up module.
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